Updated: May 2024

My research focuses on party politics, social movements, electoral institutions, democratization, and human rights politics in Latin America. I have also expanded my  research agenda to include Taiwan's international relations. My articles are published in Comparative Politics, International Political Science Review, European Political Science Review, Party Politics, Latin American Research Review, and Latin American Politics and Society.

I have field research experiences in Argentina (2023), Chile (2018), Costa Rica (2016), Panama (2016), Colombia (2015), Peru (2012), and Mexico (2010). During these field trips, I conducted interviews with legislators, party officials, and social movement activists for my research about party politics and institutional change.

Before joining NCCU, I was an adjunct instructor in the Department of Political Science at Washington & Jefferson College, U.S.A.

I received my Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh. I hold a BA and a MA in Political Science at National Taiwan University. I began to be interested in Latin America after a trip to Ecuador in 1999.

Yen-Pin Su, Ph.D.
Department of Political Science
National Chengchi University, Taiwan